Part of the Waitukubuli National Trail Journal
Previous entry: Segment 2 – Soufriere to Bellevue Chopin
Journal entry for November 27, 2012
Approximate Distance/Time Hiked: 11.7 km, 5h 30m
After a good night’s sleep, I woke up a little bit before 8am and walked to the bus station to board the minibus on the way back to Bellevue Chopin. The driver was driving like crazy but I was in a good mood and enjoying the music and sights from my seat.
I started Segment 3 at 9:25am.

The trail starts on a paved road on goes up and down for a while before reaching the town to Giraudel.

At Giraudel, I stopped at one of the snackettes and got to try “bakes” for the first time. They are similar to small fried empanadas. The ones that I tried had fish in them. Tasted pretty good.
Right outside the village, I run into Greg and Ervé again, who I had met 2 days ago in Segment 1. We hiked the rest of the day together. The trail takes an extreme descent to cross a few rivers, followed by an extreme ascent. The soil was very loose. I slipped a few times, but didn’t fall on my ass.

We reached the village of Morne Prosper. The stretch from there to Wotten Waven was really picturesque with farms and cloud covered mountains.

About five hours after I started, we arrived at Wotten Waven. Being close to many of the major touristy attractions in Dominica, there are a lot of facilities there. We stopped at the restaurant Le Petit Paradise and relaxed for a couple of hours while enjoying a few beers.
We started to look for places to camp. There was a campground close by, but at EC$50/night, it was way too much. The other option was to go the campground at Laudat, but was a few kilometers away and it was already 4:30pm. We got back on the trail and see if we could find other options on the way. Right outside of Wotten Waven, we see the sign marking the end of Segment 3.
Next entry: Day 4: Wotten Waven to Pont Casse
Part of the Waitukubuli National Trail Journal