I first saved these 2 National Geographic pictures of Petra, Jordan to my computer on November 26, 2004. They left me in awe and really fueled the wanderlust in me. I knew I had to eventually get there. Since then it has been voted as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. I haven’t done much research about Jordan. I don’t know much about it. I hope it’s as good as it looks in these pictures, but this destination is more symbolic than anything else. Getting there would be going to probably the first source of inspiration for my upcoming trip.

Comments (4)
since my first visit to Petra some years ago now I was captivated by Jordan there is so much to see. I was so taken by the place I started my own little website which I hope you might enjoy.
Be prepared to pay through the nose for the entrance fee. It was close to $50 when I was there last year and I know they raised the fee to about $70 for ONE DAY. I would recommend spending at least a full day there. So much to see, but budget accordingly. I didn’t feel comfortable doing the Wadi Rum trip as a solo female, but I have heard an overnight or two in the Wadi is a must-do when in the area. Also, stay away from Valentine’s Hostel. It’s a real hole in the wall. I stayed at Saba’a (not sure about spelling) and they were awesome!
Thanks a lot for the tips! I just quickly visited your blog and it looks very interesting. In the coming days I’ll take a bit more time to check it out in detail.
I am looking for a reliable company in the area to plan a trip with and would appreciate any recommendations.