Post series: Argentina 2014-2015

Libreria El Ateneo, Buenos Aires

Located at Avenida Santa Fe 1860 in what used to be Teatro Gran Splendid, there are no words are needed to describe how beautiful Libreria Ateneo is.

Vacation Within a Vacation

Taking a break from traveling to spend time with relatives and life-long friends in the city I grew up in.

Quality Time with Dad in Cordoba, Argentina

Cordoba was the first city I lived in when my family moved to Argentina. I was 3 years old and only lived there for a year before moving to Buenos Aires.

Crossing the Villazon-La Quiaca Border into Argentina

The train from Uyuni arrived at Villazon a little bit after 2pm. Outside the station I was offered a ride in a shared taxi to the border for 4 bolivianos.