Part of the Pacific Northwest Trip Journal
Previous entry: Seattle, Washington
Journal entry for August 4, 2010

The bus hopped on the MV Walla Walla ferry on the way out of Seattle. The almost 4-hour bus ride was smooth and scenic.
Once in Port Angeles I checked into my room at The Downtown Hotel and went out for a walk. Port Angeles is a pretty small town, and there’s really not much to do. Most of the stores were closed by 6pm. I walked around the port for a while before heading to a grocery store to buy some water, Gatorate, and food for the night.

I spent the night watching TV and making the last preparations for the Shi Shi Beach hike, which I was starting the following day. I called the shuttle service that was going to take me to the trail head, they were picking me up at 8am. I put the stuff that I wasn’t taking to the hike into the small backpack that I had brought. The hotel had agreed to hold it for me until I returned from the hike.
Next entry: Lake Ozette to Shi Shi Beach Hike Day 1: Lake Ozette to Ozette River Crossing
Part of the Pacific Northwest Trip Journal