Category: Round The World Trip

The Goat Market in Nizwa, Oman

I was really happy to find out that my 3-day stay in Nizwa coincided with the goat market that happens in town every Friday morning. It takes place next to the souq (market), and starts at around 7am.

Majestic Sharqiya (Wahiba) Sands

The owner of Sur Hotel gave me a tip on where I could see some nice sand dunes without needing a 4×4 car or an expensive stay at one of the desert camps.

Sur, Wadi Shab, and Wadi Bani Khalid

Sur is a small town with not much to see, but it makes for a good base to explore the many wadis (valleys with riverbeds) and vast deserts around.

Old Muscat Gate, Oman

Muscat, And First Impressions of Oman

Leaving Asia after 10 months, I experience quite a bit of culture shock during my first visit to the Middle East.

Koh Wai, Thailand

In Review: 23 Days of Backpacking in Thailand

This post is part of a series called Thailand 2016 Why I Went There? After traveling for two months at a fast pace in Taiwan and Myanmar, Jenni and I…