Year: 2015

Sunrise at Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine W-Circuit Day 5: Campamento Chileno to Base de las Torres to Hotel Las Torres

Waking up at 1:30am to hike in the dark and wait in the cold to experience a surreal sunrise at the base of these famous peaks.

Torres del Paine W-Circuit Day 4: Refugio Los Cuernos to Campamento Chileno

This post is part of a series called Chile 2014 Part of the Torres del Paine W-Circuit Journal Previous entry: Day 3 – Campamento Italiano to Mirador Britanico to Refugio…

Torres del Paine W-Circuit Day 3: Campamento Italiano to Mirador Britanico to Refugio Los Cuernos

This post is part of a series called Chile 2014 Part of the Torres del Paine W-Circuit Journal Previous entry: Day 2 – Refugio Grey to Campamento Italiano When we…

Torres del Paine W-Circuit Day 2: Refugio Grey to Campamento Italiano

This post is part of a series called Chile 2014 Part of the Torres del Paine W-Circuit Journal Previous entry: Day 1 – Paine Grande to Refugio Grey I was…

Torres del Paine W-Circuit Day 1: Paine Grande to Refugio Grey

This post is part of a series called Chile 2014 Part of the Torres del Paine W-Circuit Journal Previous entry: Puerto Natales The two places I wanted to visit the…