Time Lapse Video of Sand Art at Santa Monica

Last Saturday I joined a Couchsurfing event to make sand art by Santa Monica Pier. The beauty of Couchsurfing is that you can join an event, meet locals and travelers…

Becoming a Better Photographer

Since traveling, hiking and photography go hand in hand, I have been working on different ways to improve the quality of the pictures I take. I often feel amazed and…

Back Home after Surviving the Waitukubuli National Trail

I got back from Dominica 3 days ago. It was a very unique experience. The Waitukubuli National Trail was both fun, frustrating, and dangerous. It took me 13 days to…

Packed and Ready for Dominica and Waitukubuli National Trail

Part of the Waitukubuli National Trail Journal In less than 48 hours I’ll be on a plane on the way to Dominica. Just finished packing everything except for the toothpaste…

RIP First Backpack

Today I’m throwing away the first ever travel backpack I got, back in 2002, before my first ever solo trip to Europe. If I remember correctly, I got it for…