John Muir Trail: Post Trip Thoughts

Some of the thoughts I had about the trail after I returned home and back to civilization.

John Muir Trail Day 23: Guitar Lake to Mount Whitney to Whitney Portal

Reaching the summit of Mount Whitney was the perfect way to finish this incredible 23-day journey.

John Muir Trail Day 22: Bighorn Plateau to Guitar Lake

I settled down in a nice spot by Guitar Lake before it got dark. There were no clouds and it looks like the weather would be great the next day.

John Muir Trail Day 21: Vidette Meadow to Forester Pass to Bighorn Plateau

Looking back, this was my favorite day of the entire hike, mainly because of Forester Pass and Bighorn Plateau.

John Muir Trail Day 20: Woods Creek to Glen Pass to Vidette Meadow

I’d been wanting to take a dip in one of the lakes for the last few days but the weather had been crappy. This day was perfect though, with not one single cloud in the sky.